Specific Terms of Use for The Atassi Foundation website
Your use of the Website available at [www.atassifoundation.com] and [www.masaarchive.org] and the related web-based software, browser interface, transmission, access and storage facilities, data, and services (collectively, the “Atassi website”, the “Archive” or the “Service”) is subject to these Terms of Use for The Atassi Foundation websites and Digital Archive Service (“Specific Terms”).
Agreement with The Atassi Foundation
Your agreement with The Atassi Foundation concerning your use of the website and Digital Archive Service are formulated in these Specific Terms (the “Agreement”). In order to use the Atassi Foundation’s website and Digital Archive Service, you must first accept and agree to be bound by the Agreement. You can accept and will be bound by the Agreement by: clicking to accept or agree to these Specific Terms when that option is made available to you by The Atassi Foundation in any user interface within the Atassi website and Digital Archive Service, or you are actually using the Atassi Foundation’s website and Digital Archive Service, or as otherwise provided by law. These Specific Terms may be changed by The Atassi Foundation without notice; changes to these Specific Terms will be posted on the website through which you access the Atassi Foundation’s website and Digital Archive Service (the “Website”). Your continued use of the Service after any such change is posted is your acceptance of and agreement to the Specific Terms as so changed.
As used in these Specific Terms, “The Atassi Foundation” means the non-profit Art Foundation incorporated in 2015 under the Laws of Liechtenstein, with registration number FL-0002.499.067-4 domiciled at [c/o Allgemeines Treuunternehmen, Aeulestrasse 5, 9490 Vaduz]], and its subsidiaries, legal affiliates, successors (including any successors to the project of the Atassi Digital Archive Service), and assigns, and “you”, including all of its grammatical forms, refers to the person using the Service and, if that person is acting on behalf of another person or entity, it also refers to and includes that person or entity.
Copyright and Other Rights
The images, text, audio and video clips, illustrations, designs, documentation, and other data on the Website through which you access the Atassi website and Digital Archive Service (any or all of which data are referred to as the “Archive Materials”) and the various collections, arrangements, and assembly of and the standards related to those Archive Materials (the “Compilations”) are protected by copyright and possibly by other laws and restrictions. The Atassi Foundation and relevant third parties own and expressly reserve all rights, including copyright, in whole and in part, throughout the world, in the Archive Materials and Compilations. Any unauthorized copying or other use or modification of the Archive Materials or Compilations may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, proprietary and property rights, the laws of privacy and publicity, contract, communications regulations, statutes, and other applicable laws. The Atassi Foundation and all relevant third party owners expressly reserve all remedies available under all applicable laws, regulations and statutes with respect to the Archive Materials and Compilations. The Atassi Foundation is the owner, including the copyright owner, of the Atassi Foundation website and Digital Archive Service and all Compilations and no rights therein are granted to any user or person except as expressly provided for by these Specific Terms and the other terms of the Agreement. The Atassi Foundation does not claim ownership of the copyright in any original works of public art depicted in the Atassi website and Digital Archive Service or its related databases.
Limited Right to Use Service and Archive Materials
Subject to any requirement for payment (although use of the website and Archive by the general public is without charge), The Atassi Foundation grants you the right to use the Service to display, download, and copy the Archive Materials solely for your own limited non-commercial, personal, and educational, research, or scholarly use, subject to any further requirements, restrictions or limitations published with respect to any specific Archive Materials. All copies of the website and Archive Materials must be properly cited and bear accurate identifying information published with respect to those Archive Materials, including proprietary information, credits, and attributions, copyright and trademark notices, and a citation to the URL address of the Website for the Service through which the Archive Materials were obtained, e.g., [www.atassifoundation.com].The Atassi Foundation does not warrant or represent that your use of any Archive Materials will not infringe third party rights not owned by The Atassi Foundation. Archive Materials under copyright owned by a third party may not be copied or used in any form and may not be downloaded without permission from the holder of the underlying copyright or as permitted by law. You may not copy, distribute, publish, publicly perform, publicly display, modify, transmit, reuse, download, repost, or use the Archive Materials or Compilations for commercial purposes, for personal gain or to create or generate derivative works, without the express prior written permission of The Atassi Foundation, unless you are the copyright owner of the Archive Materials or your use qualifies as: (1) Fair Use or another legislative exemption, (2) Permitted Educational Use, or (3) Press Use, all of which are further described below.
The Atassi Foundation’s Reserved Rights: Use Restrictions
The Atassi Foundation reserves the right at any time without any notice to any person to change or modify these Specific Terms and to change, modify, cease publication of or terminate the Service, or any aspect or portion of it. All rights in or to the use of the website and Archive Materials, Compilations and the Atassi Digital Archive Service not expressly granted to any person by The Atassi Foundation or not already subsisting in any third party are retained by The Atassi Foundation. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Specific Terms, no permission or license is granted by these Specific Terms to any person to download, copy, transmit, publish, publicly perform or display or otherwise use any Archive Materials or the Compilations for: (1) compilation, use by commercial stock houses or use by any commercial, non-profit, governmental or any other archive, (2) use by any person, other than non-profit and governmental entities as set forth in other sections of these Specific Terms, in providing services, products or instructional or educational materials to educators, teachers, schools, universities, students or the general public, or (3) the purpose of creating derivative works.
Other Permitted Uses
Subject specifically to the rights of third parties (which are entirely the responsibility of the user), The Atassi Foundation permits the following uses of the website, Archive Materials and the Compilations:
a) Fair Use and Other Exemptions
i) The Atassi Foundation does not object to your reproduction, distribution, display, transmission, performance, and use of the website, Archive Materials and/or Compilation if done in accordance with Article 22 (“Fair Use”), or other applicable exemptions set forth in the UAE Federal Decree-Law No. 38/2021 On Copyrights and Neighbouring Rights and related laws.
ii) Unless otherwise noted within the Service, which generally will be noted in association with particular images or data sets, or expressly prohibited by these Specific Terms, no express permission is required from The Atassi Foundation for any use that falls within Fair Use or another legislative exemption under the UAE Federal Decree-Law No. 38/2021 On Copyrights and Neighbouring Rights, but two conditions apply:
1) No modifications may be made as to the integrity or attribution of the Archive Materials and Compilations; and
2) All copies of the website, Archive Materials and Compilations must be properly cited and bear accurate identifying information as published on the Website, including proprietary information, credits and attributions, copyright and trademark notices, and a citation to both the Atassi Digital Archive as a publication of The Atassi Foundation and the URL address of the Website through which the Archive Materials were obtained, e.g., www.atassifoundation.com.
b) Permitted Educational Use
i) The Atassi Foundation recognizes that not every educational use qualifies for Fair Use or another legislative exemption. In order to further support the work of teachers and other educators, in accordance with The Atassi Foundation’s own charitable and educational mission to support the advancement and preservation of modern and contemporary art from Syria, The Atassi Foundation consents to the following additional uses of the website, Archive Materials and/or Compilation (“Permitted Educational Use”):
ii) The Atassi Foundation consents to the copying, distribution, display, transmission, performance, and use of the website, Archive Materials and Compilations by individual teachers and other individual educators if done for the limited purpose of classroom or workshop instruction (including online instruction) in a non-profit or governmental school, museum, or other educational organization; provided, however, that the Archive Materials and Compilations are not sold or otherwise commercially distributed. The provisions concerning Permitted Educational Use do not apply to persons who package, prepare, or sell educational or instructional materials for teachers and educators nor to any person who publishes or compiles archival materials for the use of teachers and educators.
iii) Unless otherwise noted within the Service, which generally will be noted in association with particular images or data sets, or expressly prohibited by these Specific Terms, no express permission is required from The Atassi Foundation for use that falls within Permitted Educational Use, but two conditions apply: 1) no modifications may be made as to the integrity or attribution of the Archive Materials and Compilations; and 2) all copies of the Archive Materials and Compilation must be properly cited and bear accurate identifying information as published on the Website, including proprietary information, credits and attributions, copyright and trademark notices, and a citation to both the Atassi Digital Archive as a publication of The Atassi Foundation and to the URL address of the Website through which the Archive Materials were obtained, e.g., www.atassifoundation.com.
c) Press Use
i) The Atassi Foundation may provide dedicated pages on the Websites for members of the press. Except where noted otherwise, photographs, images, press releases, and articles (the “Press Materials”) that appear on these dedicated pages may be downloaded, copied, and published (and in the case of text-based materials, translated) by members of the press for the sole purpose of creating or supporting timely news stories related to The Atassi Foundation and the Atassi Digital Archive Service covered in the Press Materials in newspapers, magazines, Web publications, television, or other paper, broadcast and electronic media. Use of the Press Materials for any other purpose requires the additional, prior permission of The Atassi Foundation and their use for any purpose may also require the additional, prior permission of third-party rights holders, which permission is the sole responsibility of the press user. Press Materials may not be downloaded, reproduced, or published by commercial stock houses or commercial or non-profit archives under any circumstances.
ii) To the extent you choose to use subsets of information from the Press Materials, you agree that your use will not compromise their original context, accuracy, and integrity. Photographs and other images must be reproduced in their entirety and not cropped or otherwise altered.
iii) The use of Press Materials must include the identifying information provided by The Atassi Foundation, including proprietary collection information, author, artist and other credit lines, and copyright and trademark notices, if any.
Requesting The Atassi Foundation’s Express Permissions
a) If your proposed use of the website and Archive Materials does not meet the conditions for Fair Use or another legislative exemption, Permitted Educational Use or Press Use, you must request and obtain express permission from The Atassi Foundation for use of the Archive Materials. Please be advised that The Atassi Foundation is selective in granting such permission and may impose a fee for doing so. Additionally, The Atassi Foundation may condition its own permission on your obtaining permission from any third party copyright owners. All permission fees collected by The Atassi Foundation are used to further The Atassi Foundation’s support and publication of the Atassi Digital Archive Service free public access.
b) Questions concerning permissions should be directed to The Atassi Foundation using the contact information published on the Website under “Contact Us.”
Errors and Omission; Use at Own Risk
The Atassi Foundation makes reasonable efforts to assure but does not warrant or represent that any Archive Materials are accurate so far as they contain or are intended to reflect factual information such as, but not limited to, attributions concerning the creator and other facts concerning artwork and ownership of copyright works. The Atassi Foundation does not accept responsibility for inaccuracies in the Archive Materials or the consequences from use of the Service, regardless of how such inaccuracies or consequences might occur. It is your responsibility to assure the accuracy of any of the Archive Materials, including information related to the Archive Materials. For the foregoing reasons, and that The Atassi Foundation has no control over or knowledge concerning your use of the Archive Materials, The Atassi Foundation accepts and shall have no responsibility for any use of the Archive Materials or Service. You agree that the archive materials and service are provided as is and that your use of and your reliance on such archive materials and service and any consequences from the use of the archive materials and service are at your sole risk.